About Us

Led by Jonathon Barnes

My battle with addiction has been a lifelong struggle, marked by countless stays in treatment centers. I’ve known the taste of long-term sobriety, only to have it slip through my fingers. There were times I swore I’d never relapse, yet I found myself trapped in a cycle, desperately seeking a path back to recovery. Thankfully, I found that path, and it wasn’t confined to the walls of a facility. That’s why I’m dedicated to Intervention OC – to guide others who, like me, are searching for answers and a life worth living. To help them find their way back up.


Jon is an incredible listener, and after understanding my struggles, he developed a plan that felt tailor-made. It pushed me to commit to activities I never would have done on my own, integrated my family into the process, and most importantly, provided a level of accountability I didn’t realize I needed.

Sean F.

Come Teach with Us and Become an Instructor Today

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Online Events are Amazing Opportunities to Have Fun and Learn

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Most Popular Events


03:50 PM

How to Become a Software Tester

Prepare for: Lora Hill


05:20 PM

Hands on: Python - Free Workshop

Prepare for: Lora Hill


03:10 PM

An Introduction to Coding with Code

Prepare for: Lora Hill


01:10 PM

Learn to Code Online Taster Workshop

Prepare for: Lora Hill

Popular Questions to Ask Before Seeking Intervention

Drug and Alcohol Intervention: For substances such as meth, heroin, cocaine, fentanyl,
marijuana, kratom, nitrous oxide.

Addiction Interventions: Gambling addiction, gaming addiction, sex addiction.

Mental Health Interventions: Psychosis, mood disorders, borderline personality
disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and mental illness exacerbated by substance abuse
(e.g., marijuana or kratom).

We don’t follow a single model. Instead, we provide multi-modality interventions,
meaning we offer a range of approaches tailored to each individuals needs. This could
include one-on-one work with a coach, a family intervention, or more hands-on
approaches such as harm reduction for addiction recovery or medication management
for mental illness.

Yes, we provide support throughout the treatment episode and offer referrals to treatment centers, taking into account the individual’s past history, current needs, and preferences. We offer options for detox, residential care, or outpatient services, and are well-connected with multiple facilities across the United States.

Initially, we conduct a phone consultation and typically move to an in-person intervention. While virtual interventions are possible, in-person interventions are our preferred approach for their comprehensive, collaborative, and supportive nature.

Our services are available internationally, but most of our work is done in the United States, particularly in Southern California and Texas.